The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Recovery Coaching approach is the foundation for our OHROCS program.
CCAR operates under the philosophy that “a person is in recovery when they say they are,” and recovery coaches are defined as “anyone interested in promoting recovery by removing barriers and obstacles to recovery by serving as a personal guide and mentor for people seeking recovery.”
Under the CCAR model, the goals of the recovery coach are to promote recovery; remove barriers; connect individuals in recovery with recovery support services; and encourage hope, optimism and healthy living.
The recovery coach plays many roles, including motivator, ally, truth-teller, role model, mentor, problem solver, resource broker, and advocate. A recovery coach is an equal and a companion to the mentee, not a sponsor, case manager or counselor.
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What’s the difference between casual use and addiction?
How can you help a loved one who can’t stay clean?
Need to talk? We’re here to help you, not to judge you.
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