As a residential treatment client, we’ll provide you with on-site educational services, job skills training, and job placement assistance, so you can find and maintain stable employment in recovery.

When you enter treatment, a counselor will work with you to:

  • Conduct a comprehensive vocational assessment
  • Help you develop and pursue your career and educational goals
  • Administer ongoing educational and vocational tests to help you find a job that’s right for you
  • Provide continuous counseling to help you succeed at your job
  • Refer you to relevant community resources in education and vocational training


We work in partnership with the New York City Department of Education and Project Restart to provide on-site educational services. Adult Basic Education (ABE) services are provided through the Department of Education and are available to all adult Odyssey House residential clients.

Educational services are provided through Project Restart and are available to all Odyssey House adolescent and young adult clients. Odyssey House administers the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) five times a year.


Odyssey House works with several vocational training organizations to provide our clients the opportunity of a career in the field of their choice. Clients may participate in training for a variety of jobs, including building maintenance, culinary arts, commercial driving, auto mechanics, health care, clerical duties, and computer installation.

What are Odyssey House’s residential programs like?

Our residential treatment programs provide you with a caring environment to start your life over without the pressures that tore it down.


Where recovery gets real